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电 话:0431-85916189-6095
手 机:13604449254


供应SIR 扫描式中红外光谱仪



SIR 扫描式中红外光谱仪


SIR Scanning Spectrometers

The SIR Scanning Spectrometer Series from Ocean Optics provides you a range of fiber-based spectral data collection in a detection instrument that is built to last and always reliable.

These smart detector systems are built to withstand the rigors of chemical processing applications while delivering accurate and repeatable results.

The Lineup

SIR-2600: 0.9-2.6 um

SIR-3400: 1-3.4 um

These SIR Scanning Spectrometers feature USB 2.0-compliant interfaces that provide fast data transfers. Plus, the included software can be used to control all of your SIR spectrometer's functions as well as analyze data.

Pick the SIR that Suits

SIR-2600 SIR-3400

Range: 0.9-2.6 um 1-3.4 um

Detector: Extended range InGaAs with 2 stage cooler InAs with 3 stage cooler

Diffraction grating: 600 lines 300 lines

Optical design: -- Czerny-Turner F3 --

Slits available: -- 10 um, 50 um, 100 um, 200 um, 500 um --

Optical input: -- SMA-905/906 with optional lensed input --

Analog resolution: -- 24-bit, 16,777,216 counts --

Triggering options: -- Internal and external synchronizational --

Grating steps in range: 45,000 16,800

Resolution based on optical slits:

10 um

0.8 nm .22 nm

50 um

0.4 nm 1.1 nm

100 um

0.7 nm 2.2 nm

200 um

1.6 nm 5.0 nm

500 um

4.0 nm 11 nm

Product Sheets (PDF Format)



Accessories for SIR Series

SIR-DARK-SHUTTER SIR Dark Reference Shutter

SIR-FILTER-SHUTTER SIR High-Pass Filter Shutter (2 options)

SIR-SLIT-5 5 um Slit for SIR Series

(Recommended for SIR-2600 only)

SIR-SLIT-10 10 um Slit for SIR Series

SIR-SLIT-50 50 um Slit for SIR Series

SIR-SLIT-100 100 um Slit for SIR Series

SIR-SLIT-200 200 um Slit for SIR Series

SIR-SLIT-500 500 um Slit for SIR Series

We also carry fiber optic assemblies and other accessories. Be sure to contact an Ocean Optics Applications Scientist for the details.

于踏萱 女士 (销售)  
电  话: 0431-85916189-6095
传  真: 0431-85956117
移动电话: 13604449254
公司地址: 中国吉林长春市吉林省长春市高新区繁荣路5099号,繁荣路与飞跃东路交汇 晶工光学5楼
邮  编: 130012
公司主页: http://zhqylbb.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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于踏萱 女士 (销售) 电话:0431-85916189-6095 传真:0431-85956117
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